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From ANWG via Linda
A very happy New Year to all with hope for peace and tranquility for 2025…also lots of weaving/spinning/knitting/dyeing, etc. As promised, here is the notice for the January MOVIE BITES first edition to be zoomed on Wednesday January 22, 6:00-7:30 Pacific. This initiative is being presented by your ANWG Education Program in hopes of keeping us in active communication with our large ANWG family as we approach the June Conference. The dates selected for the monthly BITES will be: Jan 22, Feb 19, Mar 19, Apr 16, May 21 For Zoom invotation, please check your emails or ask for the login information. January 22: BBC Master Craftsman series based on Master Weaver Margo Selby in a small studio with three budding apprentices.
It’s been announced on Facebook that registration for workshops and seminars for the 2025 ANWG conference will open at noon on January 21. Go to to learn about the offerings.
Happy New Year!
Our next meeting is Tuesday, Jan 14. We will have a program by Jennifer Moore, “Mathemagical Design”, which will begin at 7 PM. The business meeting will begin after the conclusion of the program. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, December 10. Zoom will also be available, but please come in person if you can.
Social and setup begins at 6:30pm Business Meeting will begin at 7pm. We will have our December holiday party and gift exchange! Bring a small, wrapped gift (preferably handmade) if you want to participate in the exchange. We will draw numbers to pick a gift (no gift stealing allowed!) Our party activity will be color wrapping (making color cards with yarn) Hi everyone! Our next guild meeting is in person + zoom on Tuesday, November 12
6:30pm: Social and setup Meeting begins at 7pm Our Guild program and discussion this month is about color and experiments in color. Please bring your color experiments, these can be both old and new. Share your successes and questionable results along with questions about color. Our program this month is a presentation by Rebekah on judging weaving and other fiber arts Rebekah asks that we bring an item or two of any of the following:
Hi everyone! Our next guild meeting is in person + zoom this Tuesday, October 8 at our normal location at St. Paul’s Episcopal Chirch
Please come in person if you can! Check your email for the meeting notice and zoom invite if you are unable to attend in person. 6:30pm. Social and setup 7:00pm. Meeting begins Our program this month How Judges look at weaving - Rebekah Cadorette Please bring samples of a woven item! Fiber events:
Farm tour: Next fiber event: Jefferson County Farm Tour Be sure to visit: Saturday only: White Lotus Farm Compass Rose Farm Wilderbee farm: soft fleece! Our next meeting will be this Tuesday, September 10, at St.Paul’s Episcopal Church. The room should be available at 6:30 for set up and socializing. Zoom will be available as well. The zoom link and meeting info has been sent via email. I should have everyone’s current email. Please check your spam filters and folders if you did not receive. As a reminder, if you have not yet paid your dues for the upcoming year, they are $25 and are due now. Please bring a check or cash to the meeting. We will be planning and collaborating about our exploration of our year in color. Remember to bring your things for show and tell! |
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